Personality Week 14-Reaction to Podcast
Collaboration is key to gaining further knowledge about panick attacks and anxiety. The two major factors involved right now are Biology and psychology. These two treatments are represented by cognitive behavior treatment or drugs. It seems that both offer benefits and it is still ultimately up to the client to decide what works for them. I think that it is great that patients are given more of a choice and not immediatley prescribed with a medication. I feel that by undergoing cognitive treatment the patients feel that through their feelings and thoughts they are able to control their anxiety and panick attacks, I think that In the long run this method may proove to be more affective because it allows people to control their own domain. By people being given drugs to treat their anxiety/ panick attacks I think they may undergo some sense of attribution theory becasue they may feel that the actual ingestion of the drug is what is removing the panick attacks. Perhaps what is best is a combination of both becasue the person can maximize the pros and cons of each one.