Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Personality Week 13

Started talking about anxiety and the causes. We looked at an Australian feller by the name of Rapee that conducted experiments on anxiety and panick attacks by attaching masks to people so that they inhaled CO2, he then modified the experiment by telling the potential panickers of all the affects that they would experience and amazingly they did not have panick attacks. The fact that they did not panick was a little surprising to me and I don't quite understand why they didn't but it seems that I expected them to panick because I felt like if the person told them what they might experience, that in essence gave them permission to experience it and fulfill that panick need, but I was wrong. Why they didn't panick? Maybe because they were told they might experience those things which aren't neccesarily great things to experience, so knowing they might they choose not to.


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