Pasando tiempo y esperando
My friends will be arriving here tomorrow so I thought I would say howdy and post a couple more photos before I depart for my kayaking travels. Things have been very well here the rainy season has really started to pick up, which of course I enjoy. Anyways been doing a bit of thinking about my total schooling experience here and just realizing how good it has been . I already miss everyone a lot even though it has only been a week, I think I miss everyone because I am living in a foreign culture and I got custom to moving about this culture with my friends from school and now that's gone. But things are alright overall, ok I guess that's all for now. Enjoy the photos.
This is our last day of work at Mantay and gives you an idea of what was accomplished, nice walls, eh.

This is just a funny picture that I like taken at one of the ruins along the way on the Inca trail. What a beautiful flower.

This is some type of moose looking creature chewing some grass in the false summit of the large pass on the Inca Trail.

This is elizabeth and I hiking along the Inca Trail, climbing up the 13,700 foot pass, it was a lot of work on the lungs.

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