Thursday, February 16, 2006

abnormal psych week 5

well we didn't have any class this week because larry was out, but I've definetley been doing a lot of thinking about the ideas and roles that I place on myself vs. the roles that society places on me. The idea of sucess and hapiness is very interesting to me, and I realize the background from which I speak to explain it is one of wealth and a very spoiled upbringing. Right now I sort of see all these things and I open myself up to answers in the wind, realizing that everything and anyone I interact with are giving me gifts intentional or unintentional. A driving desireable force. What I see is that people define their hapiness, I define my hapiness, society may view me as unhappy because of the state I live in but ultimatley I know what is true for me, and that's reassuring. Interesting to think that as a society we view our hapiness in terms of wealth and material posessions. This concept baffles me and I believe that people determine their hapiness not poverty level or wealth or society or any of that. Viewing things as balancing out rather than as in contrast and flux.


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