Week 12, 13, and 14
These last couple weeks of school flowed togethor rather quickly and I felt like we were done. It was funny that Larry saved issues surrounding sex for the last thing to talk about it. What is funny about larry is that he willingly participates himself in all the topics we talk about. He uses examples of his behavior to exemplify disorders that we talk about, for ex. ADD. The class room environment can be very interactive if the students choose to make it so. My learning is signifigantly enhanced in larry's classes because he makes a conserted effort to relate the material to us and intertwines stories about himself. The last couple classes were also quite enjoyable because Larry turned the floor over to us to let us show off our knowledge and demonstrate what we had learned. He was very clear ahead of time with what he expected and gave us good opportunitty and time to be ready to give short presentations to the class. The presentations were extremely amazing because people shared lots of information about themselves, family, and friends in regards to the disorders they were presenting. People really involved themselves in understanding these disorders and for a couple people you could tell it was quite emotional to be talking about it. Also more interesting was that some of the disorders people spoke off were occuring at the present time and in essence them giving a presentation about it may have helped them to be able to better understand it. Something I enjoy watching is the stigmas that people have about themselves and how quickly they come to life when they stand in front of a group of people. For example one presenter when they were done talking made the comment that they were not good at these kinds of things, the funny thing about it was that they gave one of the most comprehensive in-depth presentations. Something that I learned about recently is that when we talk to a group of people we are in essence talking to ourselves, the way we communicate with the group directly reflects the way we communicate with ourselves. So if someone has a low self-esteem that it was they will try to portray. They may not say they are trying to do it but in reality they are because if they didn't they would have to restructure their whole belief system about themselves. Overall this semester I have learned that talking about my beliefs and ideas is critical. In doing this I am able to become familiar with others opinions and better understand my own. That is probably what I have enjoyed most about Larry's class because when I go to his class I am as relaxed as I am when I go hang out at a friends house. I am excited to hear him talk and see how he relates the topic to himself and the students. His teaching exemplifies participatory learning and allows the student to take an active role if they wish.
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