Thursday, October 20, 2005

Personality week 3

Haven't chosen to set down and update this for quite some time. As I recall week 3 was a fun week because we really started to dive deeper into some of the theories and finished all the very topical type of introduction stuff. I began to see that I really liked the class, starting to understand the teachers methods and styles of teaching. I really enjoy how he involves the whole class and it feels like there's only 15 or 20 people in the class when there's more like 60 or 70. Started talking about Horney found a fair amount of her thoughts pretty interesting. I see a lot of truth in horney when she's talking about Ideal Vs. Real self. I do believe that I have sometimes in the past had a different view of myself than what was real. It's very cool to have the two alligned and be very aware of what is true with your environment and how you interact with it. Learning more will be fun.


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