Thursday, September 15, 2005

Personality Week 2

After this week I've officially declared I like this class. It's a very exciting and interesting class where the teacher takes pride in keeping the class involved and entertained. I think its really cool that we have been writing down a lot of personal experiences and then he will share them with the entire class and talk to the person in front of the whole class as well. It seems to be a very open environment and feels like one of my smaller classes but that's because the teacher is actively engaging all of us. Its very interesting and I am getting better at really taking with me the important stuff and leaving behind the fun and entertainment.
I am curious to see what his exams will be like because we talk about a lot of stuff but none of it in extremely great detail.
Seeya, Nate

Psychology week 1

After a little initial shock to being back at school I adjusted fairly quickly and am really enjoying my schedule and teachers. Personality is the second Psych class I've taken and I am excited to dwelve deeper into the subject. I was kind of surprised by how much I had forgotten since my spring semester Psych 101 class, but thats all right. So far we seem to be covering and talking about a lot of the same ideas and concepts that I covered in 101 but with slightly newer approaches. I spend a fair amount of time thinking about and modifying my behaiors and personality so I am very interested to learn some of the greater scientific information about personality and people in general. So far I really enjoy the class, taking more notes and settling in now.
All for now,
Nate Lesch-Huie